Latest Episodes

Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Brazen antifeminist woman in STEM, Sarah, joins me to discuss the factory of girlfailures: Hewlett-Packard! Revolutionizing the world of personal-computers-you-kinda-know, this company has been...

The Legacy of Pat Tillman
Amy Do and Blender Bluid join me to unpack the lengthy, complicated story of Pat Tillman. For a typically facts-dense podcast about corporate wrongdoings,...

Waste Management, INC
Dry mouthed Emma Day did me a huge favor coming onto this podcast last-minute for a WHIRLWIND episode about trash. If you love cathaters...

Toys "R" Us
My friend who loves a shot and a beer, Karsten Runquist, joins me for this exploratory episode about the ins and outs of the...

Abbott Laboratories
HIEEEEE!!!!! I'm back! My third-string comedian, first-string friend Kate joins me to talk about a company that has gotten away with evils that take...

If you're looking for a season finale where I nearly spit out my Diet Coke several times, this episode is for you. I'll be...