WE'VE GONE AND DONE IT! EIGHT HOURS LATER, THE MONSANTO SEASON IS COMPLETE! This episode goes over Bayer's disastrous acquisition of Monsanto, how the antitrust division of the US government is simply set up to fail, and we have a look back on all of the hee-hees and haw-haws of the Monsanto season. After sitting in that studio for hours on end with Bluid and Amy, I think we deserve a little retrospective as a treat. I hope you're all feeling emotionally ok after this season. Drink some water. Hug your besties. I hope to see as many of you at the live show as possible this Saturday, and if not, I'll catch you in Season 4! Should be out by the end of 2022. Kissies!
Follow @BlenderBluid and @HelloAmyDo
Dry mouthed Emma Day did me a huge favor coming onto this podcast last-minute for a WHIRLWIND episode about trash. If you love cathaters...
This one's a banger, no way around it. This one will give a detailed history of Monsanto's relationship with the FDA -- spoilers, it...
If you're looking for a season finale where I nearly spit out my Diet Coke several times, this episode is for you. I'll be...